tomehost User Guide

11. Legal Notices

11.1. Cookies

tomehost uses cookies for critical functionality.

11.1.1. Our own cookies

We plant cookies for a number of reasons:


  • Authenticating users (remembering you once you logged in, so you stay logged in).
  • Remembering the status of some things in response to user action.

Because tomehost uses subdomains for each individual tome, we set cookies to apply across the entire domain, including the subdomains. This means that cookies apply to *, so once logged in, you remain logged in when you visit tomes.

11.1.2. Third party cookies

We also use third party services which may plant cookies. It's possible from time to time we may add further ones, but the key ones at present are:


  • Google Analytics - this provides useful information to us about web site visits which helps us develop and market tomehost.
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