To generate a QR code that will draw users to the root of your tome, view the published tome (select the published tab if you are logged in). There is a QR code link to the top right of the page.
Above: The QR code button for the tome root, highlighted in red above
Note that the QR and print links are only visible on larger screens, and will be hidden on most mobile devices.
Clicking the link brings up a dialog with the QR code. You need to right-click to copy this because unlike text, most browsers don't allow images to be copied programmatically.
In a complex machine or installation, you may want to direct users to specific sections of the documentation. For this, you can generate direct line QR codes from any published section. Simply hover over the heading with your mouse and you'll see a small QR code icon. Click this to bring up the QR code dialog.
Above: The QR code button for a section is highlighted above in red